Saturday, January 17, 2009
Thursday - Miss Yin's Birthday
Before I start, here's something that you should know. :3

Alright now, I'm going to blog about Thursday, which happens to be Miss Yin's birthday.
I actually wanted to make a card for Miss Yin on that day, so I was like, doing everything on Photoshop till it was done. Then, when I was about to print it, it said it ran out of black ink. I was like... urgh! :/
So I decided to go off to Kovan early to buy something for her. I walked around Heartland Mall for like... 45mins... and I can't decide what I wanted to buy for her. So... I was looking around Comic Connection and I found these little cards. O.o So I decided to buy one, and it only cost $1.20! hah! >:3
When I bought them, it was only like... 5.30... so I walked around Heartland mall again. Then, around 5.40, Nadhirah called. She asked me whether I could meet up with her at Heartland Mall. And I said it was fine. And you know what? She brought her boyfriend! Rofl! I wonder who would choose Nad as his girlfriend! Seriously! She's sooooooooooo short! *Runs away before Nad hits me*
Then Nad called Elis to know where she was and where we're meeting with each other. We then headed to Xinghua's gate, when we were around halfway there, Nad called Dilon, or was it Dilon who called Nad? Err... anyways, Dilon said that they had to go to Heartland Mall to buy presents for Miss Yin. And Nad was like, "What? We almost reach and we have to go back Heartland Mall again!?"
Then we crossed the traffic light and when bus 53 came from the other side of the road, Nad's bf ran across the road for it! Rofl! We then saw Dilon, Chin Keong and Dave. They told us not to leave Jia Wei behind, but we can't see him. We then realised he was in the school compound! Rofl. Then Miss Yin came out and we gave her the presents.
Ernest then came, then it was Elis next, then Kai Yee, and Jia Hong, Jun Kai and Jun Hao tagged along as well.
We then headed to Pizza Hut. When we reached, Vicki, Teck Hwee, Thiru, Dilon, CK and Dave were already there. We then assigned each other our seats and then we ordered our food. We ordered tons of pizzas! O.o Then Farah came, John arrived next or was it the other way round? I sure have a bad memory. rofl.
Anyways, I was taking pictures of everyone, especially the ones who don't like to get photographed. Like Vicki! Hah! I got tons of your photos! >:3
Then, Miss Yin went for a "little walk" before coming back. While she was walking, we were given a card to write our wishes to her, and we took a very long time, I guess? Then, the "little walk" became a "LOOOOOOOOOONG walk". I'm probably exaggerating.
When she came back, Dilon gave her the card in an envelope. Telling her it was sent by "James". Miss Yin went like "James? Which James?" And Dilon continued " His full name is err... Jame Afghanistan something something..." rofl.
Miss Yin then opened the envelope slowly, like in a drama where the female lead was trying to make sure there's nothing harmful in the envelope. When she saw the card, the mood changed. She went like "Aww... I'm so touched...." ROFL!
Well, when the first pizza arrived, I wanted the Hawaiin, but I let the others have them first, thinking that there will be more. But when the next 3 arrived, none of them was Hawaiin. =/
I just have to eat a Chicken drumstick. And Miss Yin was like, "Daniel! Eat! You cannot be on a diet!" Rofl. I just have to eat piece then.
After the meal, most of us left for home, till there's only like 8 or 9 of us. We then walked to the park, and we met Julian and his sister and cousin, playing o.O While most of them are playing with them, some of us sat on the stage area and talked. We were talking about forbidden love! Hah! Okay not really. And I went home at around 9.05pm.
Are we supposed to laugh? , 12:40 PM